Apostle Dr. Rose J Williams
I was born in Luray South Carolina on October 27, and was reared in the country on a farm. The middle of nine children (4 brothers and 4 sisters), and trust me, I felt the fire from both end of the candle, and still feel it sometimes. My parents and grandparents were pastors, so I knew of God all my life. But, I realized at an early age that knowing of him was not enough. Therefore like the three wise men I sought the Lord, and I accepted Christ as my personal Savior (for real) in February 28, 1986 receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. “Yes” it really is a real experience.
I’m married 40+ years to my childhood friend “Herman Williams” and to this union we have two sons Herman Antonio and Delvin Kasza Williams (two daughter-in-laws: Daphanie and Brandi and five grandsons: Nicolas, Gabriel, Jadon, Denarius, and Elisha). I love God and God’s people. Going to Church preaching, praying, worshiping, and singing for the Lord is just a delight for me although I don’t sing like Yolanda Adams, but this is voice is for Gospel Quartet Songs. However, I have learned how to worship God in songs.
Theme Scripture: John 8:32 And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall Make you Free.
I am a license ordained minister of the Gospel as an Evangelist (my greatest love of the ministry) Pastor, now I walk in the office of an Apostle. The name God gave me for the ministry is “Acts of Faith “Church Without Wall” ministry because my life has been built on acts of faith and the ministry has been outside the walls of the sanctuary. We must remember that drug addicts, drug dealers, prostitutes, alcoholics, and liars, (and the beat goes on and on), make great Evangelist, Pastors and just good saints/followers of God. If you need a witness, read about Noah, Moses, Rahab, King David, need I give a longer list. Search the Scriptures and see who God used.
My greatest contributions to the profession are spreading the Good news, educating children and adults, and counseling in many capacities from the home to the jail houses. Counseling has always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I am an educator of middle school students (20+ yrs), have been in several area of ministry for 28 yrs, I am a member of several organizations, and my desire is to, get my licensure and start my own private marriage and family therapy practice while working full time in ministry. I am compassionate about winning souls for the Kingdom of God, educating God’s people and encouraging the discouraged through the word, prayer, and lots of laughter. I have worked the streets/street corners, alleys, lanes, parks, and rode side country and city communities setting up street services in several states searching for souls to add to the Kingdom. Yes, ministry is WORK along with faith, and that’s the reality of the scripture that faith without works is dead. It wasn’t designed for you to use to just get a new car, house, or land, and materialistic gain (although that is a part of it). But expressly, for reaching souls. Jesus and I have won many souls to the Kingdom. He led and I followed, through those who He entrusted with the ministry He gave me. I have brought into our home the homeless, hungry, sick, broken hearted, the vexed (of course with much prayer and fasting), those who had nervous breakdown, and those who just needed a place of peace and rest.
I received my BA in Education (1996) from Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah Georgia. I receive my masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Argosy University (2010), and my doctorate in Pastoral Counseling (2015) at Argosy University. I have an Associate in Drama and Library Science.
My hobbies are writing, acting/playwriting, singing, listening to music, sewing, cooking, making arts and crafts and spending lots of time with family, friends, young folks, and the elderly of which I spend as much time as possible with. I have added fishing to my hobby list, because it certainly has taught me how to be patient and how to stand still and wait. These are great characteristic for any Christian to possess.